2 very sharp knives(raw skins are very tough)
A large pot
3 gallons of pork lard (must be pork lard dont use anything else!)
Try to use pork collar skins, they make for a lighter crackling.
I make my cracklings outside on a homemade fryer. if you have a fish fryer with a heat thermometer that will do. The process in making cracklings requires two fryings, one to cook and draw out the water and the second at a higher point of heat for the skins to pop into cracklings.
A large pot
3 gallons of pork lard (must be pork lard dont use anything else!)
Try to use pork collar skins, they make for a lighter crackling.
I make my cracklings outside on a homemade fryer. if you have a fish fryer with a heat thermometer that will do. The process in making cracklings requires two fryings, one to cook and draw out the water and the second at a higher point of heat for the skins to pop into cracklings.
Depending on how big your fryer is,cut strips of skins in to 6 to 8 inches long and 3 to 4 wide.
Set your temp to 350 degrees and drop in the strips and stiring contsantly to avoid them from sticking together, cook for an hour or more until there is no foaming. That means the water has been drawn out. When you get them out they should be soft but not too firm.
Let cool, then put in the fridge overnight so they pop better the next day. You can just store them cold for a few hours.
Now, in the same fat regulate the temp to about 380 degrees or get to the point where it’s almost smoking and throw one in to see if it pops. If it does, throw in the rest and pop them up!