Baked Rabbit


Cut rabbit in pieces in a large frying pan. Use about 3 tablespoons of Crisco, any shortening. Have very hot, roll rabbit in flour, salt and pepper. Brown quickly. Place in small roaster. Add 3 tablespoons flour to shortening, brown and add 2 cups cold water, pour over rabbit and cook in oven at 375 degrees for 1 1/2 hours.

Baked Stuffed Rabbit with Carrots


1. For dressing, mash potatoes to make a pint, season with butter, salt, pepper, savory and celery. Fill body of rabbit with this stuffing and sew up.
2. Place rabbit on rack of baking pan with legs folded under body and skewer in this position.
3. Place quartered carrots beside it on the racks.
4. Put pan in 400 degree oven and after first 10 minutes pour 1 or 2 cups hot water over body, continue cooking until done.
5. Shortly before done, remove bacon and let rabbit burn.

BBQ Wild Rabbit


Cut cleaned rabbit into serving pieces, boil with celery tops for 30 minutes. Remove rabbit from water and let stand a few minutes. Cook onion in water until browned, then add remaining ingredients and cook for 20 minutes. Add rabbit and simmer slowly for 1 hour. Serve hot. 4 servings.

Braised Rabbit


Cut rabbit into pieces for serving. Singe and remove pin feathers if necessary. Wash under running water or wipe with wet cloth. Dry thoroughly. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, dredge with flour. Reserve remaining flour for gravy. Heat fat in a heavy skillet and brown the chicken in it. If onions are used, brown them in the same pan which the rabbit is almost browned

Browned Partridge


Cut partridge into serving pieces. Season with salt and pepper; roll lightly in flour. Heat oil in skillet and brown partridges on all sides for about 10 minutes. Stem, seed and slice green peppers lengthwise. Mix with onions, garlic and tomatoes; add mixture to partridge. Cover, simmer slowly for 40 minutes; add mushrooms; simmer 15 minutes or until mushrooms and partridge are tender. Serve very hot. Serves 4 to 6.

Baked Pheasant


Clean pheasant, pour boiling water over it. Put celery and onion on bird. Don’t stew up. Rub bird with salt and pepper. Add 1 cup water, cover and bake in oven at 350 degrees.