George Washington Murray

South Carolina Congressman George Washington Murray was born near Rembert, Sumter County, South Carolina, on September 22, 1853 to slave parents. He attended public schools, the University of South Carolina, and the State Normal Institute at Columbia, where he graduated in 1876.

After graduating, Murray taught school and worked as a lecturer for the Colored Farmers’ Alliance for 15 years. In 1890 he became an inspector of customs at the port of Charleston. Two years later in 1892, Murray, a Republican, was elected to represent South Carolina’s 7th Congressional District which included Charleston.

Murray took his seat in the Fifty-third Congress on March 4, 1893. He immediately focused his efforts on protecting black voting rights in the South at a time when growing numbers of black voters were being excluded from the polls. Murray was also a member of the Committee on Education. He also took a seat on the Committee on Expenditures in the Treasury Department.

George W. Murray fought Jim Crow laws which undermined the efforts of black people to improve their status. As a member of Congress he urged funding for the Cotton States and International Exhibition in Atlanta in 1895 to make the white South and the wider nation aware of black achievements. Ironically Booker T. Washington would become famous at that Exposition by criticizing the efforts of African American politicians like Murray to concentrate on voting rights.

In 1894, Murray’s own supporters were subjected to voter fraud and intimidation during his reelection campaign. The predominately Democratic South Carolina legislature redrew district boundaries to place Murray into the state’s 1st Congressional District. Murray lost a close election to Democratic candidate William Elliott but he successfully challenged the election results before the U.S. House of Representatives. When Congress finally decided the outcome of the election, Murray was seated and served nine months of the full two year term from June 4, 1896, to March 3, 1897.

Murray’s victory, however, was short-lived as threats to black voting increased with the passage of state laws making more stringent the requirements for residency, poll taxes, property ownership and literacy, all measures designed to discourage African American voting. Murray lost his House seat in 1896 due to the decreased number of black voters in his district.

After his 1896 defeat George Murray resumed farming and developed a real estate business. In 1905, he moved to Chicago to pursue a literary career and to become a professional lecturer. Murray wrote two books, Race Ideals: Effects, Cause and Remedy for the Afro-American Race Troubles (1914), and Light in Dark Places (1926) although he remained active in the Illinois Republican Party, Murray was never again elected to public office. He was however, a delegate to several Republican National Conventions. George Washington Murray died in Chicago on April 21, 1926 in Chicago.

Bruce Ragsdale, Black Americans in Congress, 1870-1989 (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1990);; Biographical Directory of the George Washington Murray.