Deep Fried Shrimp Balls


1. Trim crust from bread and tear bread into small pieces. Place in bowl and sprinkle with stock or water. 2. Shell and devein shrimp. Wash and pat dry. Chop shrimp and pork fat together until they form a smooth paste. 3. Combine bread, shrimp mix, water chestnuts, salt, ginger and egg yolk and mix thoroughly. Beat egg white to a froth with fork and stir into shrimp mix. 4. Have shrimp mix, a bowl of cold water, a baking pan lined with double thickness of paper towels and oil within easy reach. To cook: Preheat oven to lowest setting. Pour 3 cups oil into 12 inch wok or large deep fryer and heat until haze forms above it or it reaches 350 degrees on thermometer. Take a handful of the shrimp mix and squeeze fingers into a fist, forcing the mixture up between thumb and forefinger. When it forms balls about the size of a walnut, use a spoon to scopp off the ball and drop it into the hot oil. Repeat until you have made 6 to 8 balls, dipping the spoon into the cold water to prevent sticking. Turn the balls with a slotted spoon to keep them apart as they fry. They should become golden in 2 to 3 minutes. Transfer balls to paper lined baking dish to drain and keep warm in the oven while frying the rest. Transfer balls to heated platter and serve.

Pineapple Shrimp


Low Cholesterol. Makes 30 appetizers. Combine all ingredients except cucumbers. Cut cucumbers in 1/8 to 1/4 inch thick slices. Spoon heaping teaspoon of pineapple mixture on top of each slice. Garnish with dill or minced green onion if desired. Variation: Omit mustard and dill weed. Add 2 teaspoons minced cilantro and dash of cayenne pepper.

Shrimp-Stuffed Cherry Tomatoes


In a medium sized heavy saucepan bring 2 cups unsalted water to a boil over moderate high heat. Add shrimp and cook uncovered for 3 minutes or until they turn pink. Whirl the shrimp in a food processor for 1 minute. Transfer to a small bowl and mix in the parsley, chives, lemon juice, olive oil, pepper and salt; cover and chill in the refrigerator. Slice about 1/3 off the top of each tomato. Scoop and discard seeds. Fill tomatoes with shrimp mixture. Makes 16-20.

New Orleans Baked Shrimp


Wash shrimp well and drain. Place shrimp flat in oven proof dish or pan. Season with salt, garlic powder, paprika and cover with plenty of black pepper. Dab shrimp with 1/2 pound butter or oleo. Place in heated oven, 400 degrees for 15 minutes. Turn shrimp and re-season. DO NOT add oleo or butter. Leave in oven 15 additional minutes. Serve with French bread to dip into butter mixture. Serves 2 to 6.

Oriental Fried Shrimp


Melt butter in large frying pan. Add all other ingredients. Cook until shrimp is pink.

Ray’s BBQ Shrimp


Combine sauce ingredients. Wrap shrimp in bacon starting at tail. Thread on skewer, about 5 per skewer. Grill over medium flame, brushing with sauce and turning often. Cook until shrimp are bright pink and bacon is crisp.